The main time of my visit I stayed at the headquarters of Karula Nationalpark in Võru County. All the pics below are from this small nationalpark that actually only covers about 12 squarekilometers. It is a hilly area and consists of pineforest, several bogs, lots of ponds, beaver-dams and a few lakes.
Male White-backed Woodpecker, 16/6. Photo by Nichols Bell. New species for me!
Chick of Hazel Grouse, 16/6-11. Video above is by Nicholas Bell. Another new species for me only half an our after the woodpecker.
Bog with loads of different insects e.g....
Annex IV dragonfly - Epitheca bimaculata.

Happy camper Casper Katborg with the Epitheca bimaculata.
Annex IV water beetle - Dytiscus latissimus.
Flooded area due to a Beaver-dam. Estonia has a population of about 40.000 Beavers.
Bufo viridens/esculenta
Osprey and White-tailed Sea-eagle in infight, 17/6.
Local estonian woman working in her vegetable garden.
Laus Gro-Nielsen in an observation-tower raised 40 meters above the ground.
Red-breasted Flycatcher 3cy+ male, 16/6-11. This species seemed rather common in all types of forest.
Nicholas Bell while spraying insect-repellent on himself. Estonia has lots of mosquitos.
Golden Oriole
Limenitis populi

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